Hey @NiemanLab, there already is a WordPress for news orgs. It’s called WordPress ping.fm/z4mQs
Hey @NiemanLab, there already is a WordPress for news orgs. It’s called WordPress ping.fm/z4mQs
Hacking Time Square screens with an iPhone ping.fm/srUep
Washington DC is awesome at 130 am on a sunday night.
Up late on a Sunday launching ping.fm/jNSFd It’s now on WordPress 🙂
SXSW is like the Olympics for cell phone carriers and T-Mobile is taking home gold. ping.fm/ROap2
Another Diggnation SXSW event with live streaming crowd surfing.
Kristina’s at an anti-SXSW women’s party as I watch a livestream of SXSW on TWit.tv at home.
I’ve had broken lamp parts in my closest for 12 years. Today my dad decides its time to fix them.
The wife and I are going through all of our old stuff at my parentss house.
Older man is eating lunch with his iPad… while reading the newspaper.
Chuck Norris’ birthday Mar. 10th; Strongest earthquake in Japan’s history Mar. 11th. Coincidence?
Where’s Sailor Moon when you need her #japan
Happy International Day of AWESOMENESS! ping.fm/pWHSt What will you do today to be awesome?
I don’t care what this connect.me is really about.. I JUST WANT MY COMMUNITY NUMBER TO GO UP, UP, UP! ping.fm/6ZfBM
Kristina’s Caribbean accent is a mix between Chinese and Scottish.
Got off the metro and the bus pulled right up. That never happens.
OH: sorry I don’t follow your mom on Twitter.
Instead of bitterly complaining about custom menus in WordPress I opened a ticket. ping.fm/X8Iep
WordPress Custom Nav Menus do not scale! TOO MUCH AJAX!
I make a pretty good meme if I do say so myself… ping.fm/SSUBA
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.