Lift tickets for this weekend at snowshoe cost $160 there. Got them at Costco for $125 in Springfield, VA.
Lift tickets for this weekend at snowshoe cost $160 there. Got them at Costco for $125 in Springfield, VA.
Um… yea… so… um… yea… yea… so… um… yea… like… um… yea… so…
I have NO IDEA what’s going on so here’s a picture of a dino in a top hat and monocle riding a Segway. is.gd/9DfswS
Dear Basecamp, what the hell is a 37 Signals ID? I hate you.
My knee jerk reaction was to buy this domain and throw up an Amazon store. What should I do with it? ping.fm/aq7fS
Instead of watching the Super Bowl you could be enjoying, America’s Funniest Home Videos, Undercover Boss, or Toddlers & Tiaras.
Good thing the Half Time show is 30 minutes… I need to poop.
Doritos commercials are lacking. Bud Light is pretty funny this year.
Since I have to pick a team to win the superbowl, I’m going with the Steelers.
Lots of Range Rovers in the Ski Liberty parking lot. Slopes were east coast powder aka slush. Pit stop at Sheetz in Frederick then home.
Snowboarding at Liberty with the roomies then Super Sunday.
3rd Rock from the Sun is the best show ever and it is on Netflix instant streaming. AWESOME!
5:30 sure can sneak up on you when you’ve had two naps during the day.
Kristina is sorting through real papers, I’m going through virtual ones.
Spent our Friday night reducing our pile of stuff at Kristina’s parents house. We’re going to have quite the yardsale come spring time.
The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine – Abraham Lincoln ping.fm/3SAKR
Try to find live performances from the band Live. #BandNamesPreSEO
Yesterday was Foo Fighters today is Live with Ed Kacudhfjldhfd whatever his last name is.
You can always tell when ads come because they load and load. Easy to skip right by them #thedaily
Every now and then there would be a video to play or a 360 degree panorama. Videos are meh, but the panoramas are lame.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.