Number of trick or treaters: 2
Happy Monday! Awesome photoblog too by the by.
Online advertising makes no sense. Over the past 7 days, this blog post netted me $34
Dreamweaver class went better than expected. My students are smart and can pick things up fast. Next class is Monday night.
Every newspaper and magazine company should immediately invest in this technology to save themselves.
Grocery shopping. A lot easier then watching the Redskins.
Operation buy Halloween candy at the last minute is in effect.
Got some candy. Hopefully there are rugrats around to eat it.
Off to teach Dreamweaver all day. Which is fine with me because it’s cold out.
It’s officially not hot out anymore.
3/4 sleeves drive me nuts!
Best Dog Halloween Costume EVAR!
Somethings fishy about this sushi bar…
Wrote up a page about ID vs. Classes, what do you think?
Just read an article in an actual newspaper. Such a rare occasion I had to tweet about it.
Kristina and I are going to a haunted house at the Crime & Punishment museum. I expect to see lots of black & white prison outfits. Scary.
Prepping lesson plans for teaching Dreamweaver at CDiA this Saturday. Help me out by editing my wiki
My blog really takes off come Halloween
Amazon’s Windowshop iPad app has a great UI for browsing.
The term interactive really needs to be redefined. “Responding to the user’s input” doesn’t cut it. Mud is interactive Paper is interactive