@sethrubenstein Yes.
@sarahfrier @round I use Instagram mainly to document my kids as they grow up zadieheimlich.com veraheimlich.com
My parents took photos and put them in a photo album. I take photos and add them to their own photo blog via Instagram and hashtags.
@MikeNGarrett @nacin It’s like @nacin has left all of the answers for us scattered across the Internet for us to find like a big easter egg hunt
@MikeNGarrett I bet @nacin has a really smart and informed answer but my guess is compatibility and simplicity with multisite
@MikeNGarrett Right-o. User meta in general.
@MikeNGarrett Only if they’re part of site meta or user meta in a multisite install.
NES-style CSS Framework bcrikko.github.io/NES.css/
@gaberivera @round I dig the fake data.
Techmeme is just printing money. So smart. twitter.com/gaberivera/status/10…
@laserlemon @thomasfuchs @github The ability to ignore a vulnerability because you’re not going to change libraries for something minor…
“Or consider not using a framework at all. For websites that primarily display content, it’s more efficient and cost-effective to just send some server-rendered HTML down the wire.”
The Baseline Costs of JavaScript Frameworks
@noaheverett Wipe another human beings butt
@round “Do I retweet myself?”
@mattcampux UI vs UX
You’re really screwed when you can’t get Google’s spell check to kick in and you know you’re just butchering the spelling and reaching for straws
whatever it’s gross anyways
@williamsba Ooo that reminded me of an idea I wanted to present. Thanks for the reminder.
@round like this one twitter.com/round/status/9388132…
@round I dunno about that. We read your tweets.