@chriscoyier You could do a setInterval() that checks window.pageYOffset and when that is not 0 cancel the setInterval
@elgreg I get like 5 apps a day that update on Android but it happens automatically in the background.
@AdeyLady123 Serial killers.
@madcatdisease I am the stud stud-finder finder…
This never gets old…
@williamsba lol wut
@aaronjorbin It’s on my to-do list. Right down there with sculpt 6-pack abs and cleaning my office.
Nice use of dummyimage.com right there… twitter.com/odannyboy/status/104…
@steveschoger I’m curious about how this went.
@stilley_jo And speaking short sentences. Much better with vocab at this stage. Went to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg VA Wed – Fri. Kids had a blast playing in the water. How have you been?
I hadn’t heard of the Request Map Generator tool before, but it looks like a *super* useful tool: trentwalton.com/notes/2018/05/30… #aeaorl
I give today a 10/10
@chriscoyier Like 2 hours ago. SSH for testing a only-happens-in-production bug.
@Rmmmsy Uh… my site runs over HTTPS if that’s what you mean…
@sethrubenstein How would you ban it?
@elgreg My dentist runs Windows 7
@randallb I’m sure there are probably some radical redesigns floating around there at Facebook HQ. But look at this junk-filled text box…
@randallb 2005 Facebook was the best Facebook
@randallb What is the state of Facebook?
@sawarunan @round Microsoft BOB