I’m ready to download my operating system. Where is it? visitmojave.com/
@chipcullen Yea I figured being able to pick what song you want to play when you want to play it was why most people would switch. It’s been a long time since I last checked out Pandora.
@williamsba Oh that’s no big deal. You just need to lower that big piece of metal so you can see out of the windshield and you’ll be good to go…
@randallb mmmmm horse?
But all 4 things are rather messy. twitter.com/fhinkel/status/95865…
@skeevis @elgreg Yea worked for my wife last weekend. She was amazed!
@robweychert A vague indicator to tell how long the article is before clicking on the link and looking at the scrollbar
@taupecat Yeaaa that’s what a tweeting gray cat would say to make us think they’re not a cat…
The future of journalism
Can be said about Twitter as a whole twitter.com/jack/status/10421905…
@JTI519 WHITE PEOPLE amirite?
@brianboyer There’s $100K for Journalism that wasn’t there yesterday
Typography matters. twitter.com/katienotopoulos/stat…
@JTI519 Awww newly wed problems. I use Personal Capital to get na overview of all of our financial accounts. Makes it easy to see where money is going
@chuckborowicz Oh good. Ben Folds checked on her on 9/11…
@rossk Why is Google going to kill it next? #RIPGoogleKeep
@rossk My wife does all the time.
@chuckborowicz I mean the last person to mention her was Michael Jackson in 1987. She might be lonely.
Has anyone checked on Annie in a while? Is she ok?