@livlab door hinge!
When I see the phrase “Cohen’s Third Client” I replace it with “Cohen’s Third Nipple”. Much more interesting headlines.
@randallb Netscape Dappsigator
@MIKED1CK Find some old remotes that don’t do anything and let them play with them. My 1 year old loves remotes. In fact we don’t know where one of the TV remotes is. And we need it.
@montchr The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
@brad_frost @alistapart The Automatic Millionaire opened my eyes to the power of compound interest and automating important behaviors amzn.to/2IPOimm
@enqueue_russ Remember this when they’re 2½
@chipcullen What about Tuples?
@chriscoyier Totally unrelated sidenote: It is hard to read that white text on dark blue. The blue kind of bleeds on to the text after you read a little bit. I dunno if that makes sense or not. Just thought you would like to know.
Think big. Play Small. Micro Machines.
@round “NERDS UNITE! To the hover keyboards!!!”
@mstharrington @round Totes mist-mash
Whenever there is some garrish colored mist-mash image in my timeline I always know it’s something @round tweeted
@davatron5000 It’s pretty easy to just scrape Instagram thanks to the JSON payload already included on each page.
@trepmal That is for a 3 year old. Full time infant day care is like $400/week. But hey $5K can be deducted from taxes per family so… yay?
@trepmal 3 days per week daycare = $269/week.
@williamsba Wow that’s quite a lengthy install time. Usually only takes me an hour or two.
@stilley_jo Lucky. You get to do it by mail.
@cdharrison ah “screw it”