@starsoup7 @JonnyAustinTX I just learned you can forward mail wrongly sent to you by writing on the envelope and putting it back in the mailbox.
@starsoup7 @JonnyAustinTX I just learned you can forward mail wrongly sent to you by writing on the envelope and putting it back in the mailbox.
@MikeNGarrett Oh I thought copper-note was a greeting card company you started.
P.S. Thanks for the card.
The first 120 frames of Super Mario 3 takes up almost 3,000 pages of paper for all of the CPU operations.
@tvanantwerp Yea that definitely happened when I moved back in June. This is some important looking piece of mail for the old owner. Apparently you can just write the new address on the envelope and send it back.
** Googles how to forward physical mail **
@davatron5000 You should pose that question to @filamentgroup…
@aaronjorbin I’m sorry for you loss.
Amazing. Now I can dump Trello and use GitHub issues + @ZenHubHQ as a kanban board for my random thoughts and projects. NEAT-O! twitter.com/newsycombinator/stat…
“the Mastercard Symbol represents Mastercard better than one word ever could”
Unless, you know, you wanted to Google it or talk about it. twitter.com/felixsalmon/status/1…
@Stammy Yea but how many years _on_ Twitter?
Last night I discovered the Indie Web Ring developed by @schmarty and it was so much fun to see all kinds of different indie web sites.
Example: martymcgui.re/
@caseydriscoll Well one day when I redesign my site its gonna have amazing photo features and stuff!
What do people do with photos now these days? I used to photoblog and upload them to Flickr for the rest of the world to see. Then came Facebook and Instagram. Now they mostly just sit on hard drives.
What do you do?
Morning folks (just)
I’m back in the world of the web for a bit, looking for front-end/UI and design systems contracts for the next 6 months. Let me know if you know of anyone or want to have a chat 🙂
@round gross.
@desandro @BunnyCDN What we spend per year for @BunnyCDN is what we would have paid per month using CloudFront. CrAzY eXpEnSiVe!
@desandro I run it through a CDN 🙂
@sbz @round @briankoppelman I am. According to Amazon I have a mailroom…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.