@randallb explode( ‘ ‘, $mind );
@MKBHD Still waiting on dope tech mini vans…
@round So write a small script to run git pull then find some way to trigger that script remotely.
@round StUfF –> Git –> GitHub –> FTP
I mean you might as well use a web hook to trigger a git pull on the destination server instead of FTP. This might be too technical gist.github.com/noelboss/3fe1392…
@round @github Like StUfF –> FTP –> GitHub?
StUfF –> Git –> GitHub –> FTP ?
@Rmmmsy I totally use a GUI Git client and not the command line too
Me on the Internet when I’m procrastinating doing work I should be doing… twitter.com/kwilli1046/status/10…
@taupecat Is that a Chumby?
@round first, time-traveling in sweatpants
I must have a life or something because I read idly squat on @Pocket in 2018!! getpocket.com/@kingkool68 #MyYearInPocket
@randallb Randall was my favorite co-blogger
@stilley_jo It was quite a long introduction with lots of hype. And then I woke up…
@textfiles This is a pretty interesting video on their rise and fall and rise again youtube.com/watch?v=YBIFoHz5ee0
@MKBHD Let me know when RED accepts theirs…
@steveschoger @adamwathan Awesome! I love those videos so much.
@rossk – Join a webring
@ClintSmithIII One of each.
@chipcullen I’m digging your new blog layout. A clean read. One day I’ll get around to redoing my personal site, untouched since 2006.
@elgreg That is the best life hack.
@elgreg Good thing you’ve got a spare on the other side.