@mattcampux What are you trying to do? I’ve done this youtu.be/zdwPX-MVq_o
Imagine raising $100m for your AI enabled dog washing app – and your bank sets it on fire before you can
@ChrisBadgett Maintaining the perfect length of scruff. How do you two do it?
@Rmmmsy I wish there was a “legacy codebase” option
@JoAnnStilley You got to use them while you work
@hellosammunoz Twitter
@reg_inee Naps
@williamsba You WPAdvanced
@TheJeffMatson Love the site redesign. Finally something with personality. Your next redesign should riff off of the most classic Windows color scheme Hot Dog Stand!
@stellarwp Uh… It’s still running russellheimlich.com/blog/
@martymadrid Is this like flammable vs inflammable?
NPM vs Yarn? Is that still a thing?
@chuckborowicz @leeloowrites I’m doing this now. Here’s my setup: twitter.com/kingkool68/status/16…
@crutchcorn How about designer vs developer the musical?
@IanColdwater One time I deployed code to prod at in Denver Colorado, 5,280 feet above sea level!
@mattcampux @gitlab This is the enterprise version
@Rmmmsy That’s almost a full time job
@leahculver I’m sure there are lots of other opportunities to pownce on…
@DerekAshauer After looking at this for a while I got the hang of it
@Rmmmsy You sound like Chad Muska