This is a joke but the project in this comic is CURL…..and it’s literally been maintained by ONE person in Sweden for the last 20 YEARS 🥴 onezero.medium.com/the-internet-… twitter.com/xkcdComic/status/129…
This is a joke but the project in this comic is CURL…..and it’s literally been maintained by ONE person in Sweden for the last 20 YEARS 🥴 onezero.medium.com/the-internet-… twitter.com/xkcdComic/status/129…
@courtneyengle Yea I’m starting to do that too. It’s so hard with media that just builds up and up and never goes away.
@beepybop I was making good progress when I used to commute into DC once a week.
I have about 5 minutes a day to listen to podcasts and a 36-hour backlog of podcasts to listen to.
@mattcampux Sounds like a good candidate for a Chrome extension.
@randallb And the DV Guru podcast, right?
@elgreg Google’s “salt hog” which changes it to “salt pig” which apparently is a real thing for salt aficionados
@JessSchillinger Maybe they’re living in the Philippines
@JessSchillinger Wow! House cleaners are only $30/month? I’ve been missing out.
@fugularity When it rains for several days in a row and you need something to get your mind off of cutting the grass.
@chuckborowicz What about Pink Shirt guy? It’s been over a decade
@funwithforms @justmarkup Wow I didn’t know the step increment doesn’t increment the input value by the step. Weird.
Shouldn’t the query selector be input[type=”number”] instead of just input? What would happen with text in the input if I hit the up key?
Oh no, I’m not really hungry, but I’ve got far too much money!
Voiceover: Have you considered TAPAS?
@Jaypordy You can use a scripting language to loop over 1500 times saving each image with different text. Dummyimage.com is written in PHP which happens to be my favorite programming language to work with. But there are lots of different ways to pull this off.
@AlexStandiford The whole pandemic started. Should I push it up?
After much consideration I have picked a tub of nacho cheese as my snack companion tonight.
We reached an important parenting milestone today: 100 pounds worth of children.
Truncation is not a content strategy example #736:
“Maryland officials should pump the bra”
If only they had 3 more characters to spell the real word… brakes!
@miked1ck What a cutie. Enjoy the cuddles.
@caseydriscoll #2020
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.