@shortxstack Every hour on the hour
@shortxstack Every hour on the hour
Ok this cookie banner thing is getting a little out of hand now…
@MattWilcox Stick to your Craft
Describe @QuinnyPig with one tweet twitter.com/angriest/status/1286…
@daveburdick @ckrewson @CPRNews Hmmm I see… cpr.org/job/web-developer/
@elgreg Man this is such an easy problem to solve today too…
I was standing in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when my 3 year old walks up as cute as can be and smiling when she punches me in the ding-a-ling.
# humpDay
@ListenBrainz @InfluxDB @TimescaleDB Nice! I’ve shared this on @newsycombinator news.ycombinator.com/item?id=239…
@trepmal I think I found those 9 pounds you lost
@mattcampux 12
Recruiters be like:
We want someone who can connect to the database using CSS.
Toddler mini golf is more like field hockey on an obstacle course.
@aaronjorbin Red, White, or both?
@naudebynature 3 year old and 5 year old in unison: DADDY! THE BABY IS CRYING!
5 yr old: Daddy watch this!
3 yr old: Watch this Daddy!
5: Over here look at this!
3: Daddy look here!
5: Daddy do you want to see what I can do? Watch this.
3: I did this. Watch this Daddy.
5: 1, 2, 3! Eyes on me!
3: Daddy Daddy Daddy! Look!
Me: **dies of starvation**
@JoAnnStilley This is their playhouse in the backyard.
@elgreg It be me! No 401k contributions since 2014. I have been maxing out an IRA though.
@elgreg People lose their jobs and join companies that don’t have 401k plans.
@adambsilver Filling out a form and need to click a link for new information without losing your progress.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.