@chuckborowicz I think he was identified based on his public Strava data
@chuckborowicz I think he was identified based on his public Strava data
And who could have imagined how ubiquitous cell phone cameras would be. Especially all the way back in 2004 youtube.com/watch?v=6OTNx3qQszA twitter.com/DanRather/status/126…
@katie_fenn I saw this come across my timeline earlier twitter.com/joesnellpdx/status/1…
@elgreg Happy birthday I hope your don’t sneeze or have pager duty.
@jtnt @elgreg Oh I was hoping he was riding a mountain penny farthing
@elgreg Why is his bike so tall?
They’re using dummyimage.com 🎉 twitter.com/magicroundabout/stat…
@JoAnnStilley It’s a great place to be.
@jonathanober All I know is that is probably a lot of turnips.
@MikeNGarrett Oh yeah my 5 year old asks me about my internet friend having twins pretty much every other day.
“When are they coming?”
Paper.css – The less formal CSS framework.
Handy for making prototypes that look like rough wireframes.
@davidj I hear ya. I think I based it off of this standing desk evodesk.com/evodesk-studio-l
@suchislife801 Ah good idea. This site has been up and running long before CORS was a thing.
@dbanksDesign Or as my 3 year old calls them … “A roller coaster out of my mouth”
@round This thingy… You can drag it between revisions.
@round Like WordPress’ revision history feature?
People are still dreading WordPress. twitter.com/seldo/status/1265788…
@adambsilver It’s fascinating how much better the search results seem when they look closer to Google/Bing results we’re all used to. Would be interesting to user test.
@adambsilver When the search results are crammed with all this extra meta data making the page longer and harder to scan.
@tvanantwerp YouTube is the closest thing we have to learning something fast like in the Matrix…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.