@shortxstack It’s an Easter miracle! (Hard to tell in the photo but she fell asleep)

@shortxstack It’s an Easter miracle! (Hard to tell in the photo but she fell asleep)
@shortxstack My 3 year old has totally given up naps. Now it’s just meltdown terror before bedtime instead of midday meltdown terror.
@JoAnnStilley We’re in that phase now
@JoAnnStilley Cute! Operation hide-the-eggs is about to commence
Adding small crosses at each intersection makes this perfectly normal grid all wonky!
@freshyill Did you tie it to your belt?
What does the Easter Bunny even have to do with eggs?
Science! Supposedly there is an article on this page somewhere.
@round ** DMs link to omlette robot **
@round How about an omelette? reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinterestin…
@starsoup7 5 years old and video chatting with her friend in their closets showing each other every piece of clothing they own. zadieheimlich.com/instagram/vide…
Such a bummer. I remember hanging out with him at ConvergeSE a while back. He was super friendly. twitter.com/ari4nne/status/12487…
P.S. Google did more confusing rebranding of their stable of redundant chat apps
“There was never a product called Gchat. The product was called Google Talk, and Gchat is a colloquial name. Gchat is to Google Talk as iTouch is to iPod touch.”
@teddyrised I just chase my kids around a different way
@SandyS1 What about Joe Exotic Plague Doctor? Or Plague Doctor Who?
Looks like 5 hours ago my Instagram2Twitter script caught up when Instagram temporarily stopped blocking the IP address of my server to scrape my posts.
@pdot86 Haaa I like that kind of humor
5 year old: what do you call a ladder without handles?
Me: …
5 year old: STAIRS!
Her jokes are getting better folks.
@davatron5000 Engagement is low. Throw up some more Cookie banner alerts. That will get them clicking.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.