@thewprockstar Love it for my stable of personal sites. Makes maintenance a breeze.
@ErnieJeash @WellPaidGeek Yep, it’s always plugged in. Doesn’t destroy the battery at all. Most of the time my mac stays at 80% since the operating system knows I rarely use it on battery
@BatsouElef Write it with the idea that it will be deleted eventually. Try and minimize surprises if the code is removed.
@IanColdwater PHP4life
Prepping for the upcoming artic winter
But I don’t wanna get up and Monday π
Γ wanna stay in bed and Saturday π₯°
@fugularity Only 8 weeks until the USFL!!!!!!
@mattcampux But how can you do all of that and still be wrong all the time?
@TheJeffMatson Uh… there is no thread?
@dbanksDesign The days are long but years are short
I still use var
@round Is there such a thing as Junior Principal Interaction Designer
@Rmmmsy You might have cancer
@jesseddy @figma We have a “done” final and guess what work rarely makes its way there?