No shit.

Coronavirus is forcing all talk show stars to be glorified YouTubers talking directly to the camera in their house

@adamwathan Of course you can totally re-theme a site with just HTML. <FONT> tag anyone? 😂

@round Nutella and a banana rolled into a tortilla.

@MKBHD Not the same thing but an alternative wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp…

@Sandeerrss @MKBHD Aww man I found this sure too. You can call them up atleast.

@MKBHD This is a 20 pack theme141-flooring.myshopify.com/…

@davatron5000 Checkout @speed_tracker for automated continuous performance monitoring. And it’s free!

@salzano I guess we just have to wait and see since it really could go both ways here.

@TheGreenGreek JavaScript and PHP are pretty easy to pickup if you know one already. PHP is easy to wrap your head around in that when this script is run it executes line by line. No async or event loop to worry about.

@salzano While possible it seems false. factcheck.org/2020/03/false-clai…

Hi! Is anyone looking for a front end dev? I’m based in Munich but I’ve a blue card and I’m looking for a new challenge. RT please? Thanks! 🙂

@mattcampux Also Redfin actually gives you part of their broker fees back.

@mattcampux Yea but usually the seller pays those

O no Netflix is down. Household is freaking out!!!!
(Plus it’s the toddlers bedtime)

@JacobraTheGreat Code archeology is a real thing

@beepybop @krees @chriskophoto His response about using the term “China virus” c-span.org/video/?c4861989/presi…

@hankchizljaw @monzo I’m guessing they’re UK only at this point

@Swishergirl24 Wow @aaronjorbin this looks like you’re schedule