@round When you do a Google search inject the results of a search of your tweets somewhere on the search results page

@jonathanober They’re at school for 1 more sweet glorious day before being off for 2 weeks since all schools are closing.

@miked1ck 1) My kids constantly tell me “I want to practice using the mouse”
2) They make paper laptops (paper folded in half with colored keys) so they can type and work too

Since everything is closing down because of #coronavirus I’m just going to hang out and play Mortal Kombat all day with the blood code on

@eco_apocalypse Unifi can do failover. You might be able to route different devices to different ISPs.

@kmelve Wank facing Himalays

@freshyill You’ll make up some time with all the extra dishes you’ll do

Trump be like

@miked1ck Go on the trip. See the details dhs.gov/news/2020/03/11/homeland…

Bummed @WordCampLanc scheduled for this weekend is cancelled but they did it for the right reasons. I appreciate all the work the organizers have put in and the hard decisions they had to make.
Will I ever make it to a WordCamp in 2020?

@freshyill Kobe Bryant’s death was like that. Also sorta basketball related.

@danwhiting @anthonydpaul 0 AOL. Their time has passed.

@AndrewJCohen I’m afraid I would have to kill you if I disclosed that information. But yeah using your .mil email for anything outside work seems like trouble.

@anthonydpaul 0 and 0

@mattcampux Just finished the mini series last night

@round I prefer after x and before z

@kev097 Me! Toddlers!