@davatron5000 Now you can PHP while you JS github.com/hirak/phpjs
@davatron5000 Now you can PHP while you JS github.com/hirak/phpjs
@miked1ck We need a modern day pidgin.im/
@redcrew A quote from a client
“The other executives, including our President – who is a former programmer – are very impressed with your work!”
My kids daycare is closed tomorrow for parent/teacher conferences and Monday for Presidents Day. So popsicles before school today sounds a-ok to me.
@hakimel I’ve been using reveal.js for a decade. Glad it’s still getting with on. Thank you.
@stanwilsonjr @kyee @andrewcohen It gets better. I read two books to my 5 year old. She says she wasn’t tired. So I left her bedside light on and told her she can read books herself until she is tired, turn off the light, then go to bed. When I checked on her later she had followed through.
@dbanksDesign @darianrosebrook @spotifydesign I mean remember Turntable.fm? That was all social music
@round Make it round
@kathkat15 Playing these videos on our phones helped with getting Z to brush m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO0…
@kathkat15 We got Z an electric toothbrush and she used it once or twice. Then V started using it and Z got jealous. Z does a decent job at brushing. She just needs reminders to focus. V will refuse to cooperate most of the time and we have to hold her down to get it done.
@ollicle @hankchizljaw I used to get arm cramps from using an Apple’s Magic Mouse. I got this $20 Anker one and never looked back. amzn.to/2LtLEne
I can use it all day with no pain. After a day or two of use I got comfortable with it.
@teddyrised Some days are good days, some days are bad days
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by trying to get toddlers to brush their teeth. PLEASE just do it it will only take 30 seconds. NO! Don’t brush the counter with your tooth brush! Arrrgghhh…
@SandyS1 “And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii don’t even care”
@girlziplocked My wife is really into MTV’s The Challenge. It’s like her football.
@enqueue_russ Neither is <img></img> unfortunately
@tomskiweb Torade links? I think I’m interpreting that as “to trade” links. And the answer would be no.
Me: * opens fridge *
Me: Do you want some strawberries?
5 year old: Is that the buy one get one free box?
Me: Uh… Does it matter?
More often then not if there is an event in the afternoon that is more than 15 minutes away the 3 year old falls asleep 2 minutes before we arrive and then I have to sit in the car for 2 hours while they nap.
Then goodness this website is FREE.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.