@davatron5000 Couldn’t you just buy a Bluetooth single for like a dollar?
@fugularity I’m sorry about your pungent body odor
@jaynawallace I found the illustrated mom-version of you
Parenting meets Internet of Things
How I Potty Trained My Kid Using Twilio and an AWS IoT Button twilioinc.wpengine.com/2018/03/i…
@monicroqueta @BuzzFeed I too got 10 out of 12 and was born before 1988.
I’ve been home all morning. Where are these random places?
Those Amazon warehouse robots but for organizing my own clutter.
@bpeebles What if we just automatically adjusted everynight at midnight instead of all at once? Manual clocks would be outlawed.
@pauljadam Make the bookmarklet download a script from your server in order to use it. Attach an API key to the request for said script
@fugularity Is 5 Guys #1 our Smash Burger?
This is how Sonic the Hedgehog started twitter.com/womensart1/status/97…
Leaving the house by 9am…
“It’s 8:58am. I better start getting ready.”
With kids:
“It’s 20 minutes before the crack of dawn. I better start getting ready.”
– Manage critical infrastructure: no big deal
– Configure webpack by hand: bring it on
– Debug IE 6: piece of cake
– Put your 3 year old’s hair up in a neat and tidy ponytail: NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE
@livlab You can visit the home of the monster truck Grave Digger!!!!! visitcurrituck.com/things-to-do/…
@chriscoyier Do you know of any that can be scripted via the command line? Think automated visual regression testing
Cashier at Home Depot noted it was the 4th or 5th Nest Thermostat sold today by her. Hmmm…
It’s 45° out. Plenty warm enough for the heat pump to do its job. Tech said I needed to get a new thermostat. So I got a Nest Thermostat E.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist but today my 1st Gen Nest stopped telling my heatpump to heat. Tech came out. Mentioned thermostat want giving enough power to turn the heat on so it fell back to cooling mode.
Using webpack for my “hello world” app
Why every user agent string starts with “Mozilla”