@lelandf Where do I sign up?
@sarakgoo Arab spring, places with internet censorship etc.
Happy birthday @alistapart Such an important publication when I was getting started with web development. Proud to be a former intern and help out when I could. twitter.com/zeldman/status/95651…
@jgarber @mattcampux Sure thing! What’s up @mattcampux
@lelandf @reCAPTCHA Mark Zuckerberg approves
@brandonsavage You can also check out local.getflywheel.com which is a Sucker based local environment for WordPress with a pretty gui. Should work for any PHP project though.
@brandonsavage I really liked codeable.io/wordpress-developers…
@lelandf @reCAPTCHA So you’d rather enter annoying CAPTCHAs for nothing?
@MikeNGarrett @AtomEditor This also highlights the problem of finding the right package to solve your problem.
@MikeNGarrett @AtomEditor Yea I felt like every day there were packages to update
@feather @NHL I really like the graphics Fox used for the on screen graphics during NFL games this season.
Lots of driving this weekend so I’m all caught up on the @HallwayChats podcast.
Weekends over. Cleaning up baby vomit.
This weekend at @indiewebcamp I learned you’re not really indie unless you have a notes section of your website that you use for all note taking at conferences
Wild story. Friend has an iPhone. One day essentially stops working. Cannot make calls, cannot use 4G, cannot text message. WiFi only thing that still works. Smart guy and goes about trying to fix the phone. Nothing works. Reaches the end of his knowledge but before resetting 1/n
@msinkiat He lives in Kensington. You can see this car parked at a house when you’re driving up Connecticut avenue.
@iwilsonjr Thinking about it now, the websites I visit everyday are basically single column streams. That’s probably my bias there
@iwilsonjr Print seems like an equally informational medium. I think the Slate example falls short due to a lack of hierarchy. Probably less to do with a grid layout.
@BatsouElef Here is the backstory of why I made it russellheimlich.com/blog/the-his…