@danmall 90 hours to design and build a personal site sounds quick to me. Congrats on getting it out of your head and live.
@dimensionmedia @m_ott @zachleat I wrote a WordPress plug-in and theme to handle this for me. It’s been working great.
@babysoftluke blasting this trying to put the kids to bed
@dimensionmedia A blue whale
Grandfathered in YouTube Premium family plan members are getting bumped up to $23/month starting in April. I’m currently paying $15/month.
@jank0 Going from $15 to $23 per month. I bet they’re planning on rolling out an annual plan which should offer some discount. Currently the family plan is ineligible for annual pricing.
@jgarber You left front-end development? What do you do now? JSON piper?
@fugularity They want us to cry, cry over large amounts of spilled milk
@kfromcopylang Autonomy
@chriscoyier they should call it a moon landing
My kindergartener is learning how to login to a computer using a username and password. I imagine that will feel antiquated when she’s my age.
When I was in early grade school I learned how to balance a check book. It felt antiquated even back then.
5 minutes after entering a giant corn maze:
6 year old: I know where to go. Follow me! **Runs off**
4 year old: I need to go potty.
Mom: FML
Dad: Isn’t this a-maize-ing!
Why your website should work without JavaScript
@mattcampux Wouldn’t have happened if it was an NFT
@MLBMetrics “year older”
This game is easy.
@farrelley @GooglePixel_US @Verizon @googlefi Verizon is such a headache. Check out mint mobile which I think is cheaper.
@CatholicMcGee @fugularity Huge wuss. Helps my chances of survival.