@mr_suh that’s such a 4th grader thing
When I need to generate a secure password I just ask my 2 year old.
Pro: Truly random
Con: Only uses the characters 1, 2, 5, Elmo, cake
@aaronjorbin me 2
@jgarber this reminds me of Kid Icarus on the NES
@Boomchickapop Your bags make great newborn sleeping bags twitter.com/kingkool68/status/84…
AWS IAM Policies in a Nutshell #geekystuff
I answered 9 of 10 questions correctly on the @pewresearch Cybersecurity Quiz pewrsr.ch/2nK1X8c
TheConferenceWiFiWillWorkLabs.io twitter.com/Thomas_Wendt/status/…
@mr_suh it will be my first night with the kids all by myself eeekkk
@elgreg Sounds like you’re ddosing the potus
@round yeaaaa 3/22/2017 was a pretty rad date
When you used to design Doom levels but now design office buildings.
@ammy914 I think I’ll just have the biscuits since I’m not a fan of sea food
@seclarke good idea since I’m not a fan of sea food
I’m 31 years old and have never been to a Red Lobster. Tonight that changes. Happy 16 years of dating @naudebynature!
Android crashes on boot when running from SD card
Oh no I’m I’ve of those people that posts screenshots of text!
On how to be a better programmer jlongster.com/How-I-Became-Bette…