The best thing ANY media company, especially those in NYC and DC, could do right now is start allowing remote work and hire from everywhere.
@wordcampbalt leaving this afternoon
@holman DHTML stands for dynamic HTML
Only 90s Web Developers Remember This… via @holman
@lelandf oh man I forgot YouTube had ads
@taupecat @EverySimpsons watch them all. Forget that while job thing.
@mr_suh oh. So not Hawaii?
Me 5 minutes before it’s time to eat on Thanksgiving…
@daljo628 that’s neat. It looks like crappy CGI
That’s a wrap! Thank you to all of our sponsors, speakers, volunteers and attendees! An awesome weekend of @WordPress! #WCBalt
What am I doing on a Saturday morning? Hanging out at @wordcampbalt #wcbalt
WordCamps are really about a community and helping one another. Make sure you connect with others. #WCBalt
It’s WordCamp Baltimore day! I’ll be live tweeting from @RussellHeimlich throughout the day. #WCBalt
⚡ Grover, the lovable blue monster at the end of a Tweetstorm
@MattMurph24 Source that they want a Muslim registry?
@chipcullen you should talk to them. They have interesting stories.
@brownpau you will be joining the stone-giants in the misty mountains of Middle Earth
@mr_suh I also don’t think they need to get rid of it. They can just slowly start ignoring it
@mr_suh seems hard to get rid of it before he is in office. Maybe the year after that
@mr_suh it’s 4 days before inauguration.