It’s 2016 and we’re still using these arbitrary labels for websites like “desktop” and “mobile”……
@seclarke @usnews The code in your image isn’t Python its JavaScript.
@AstickofGum @ammy914 is Kaleb more of a sleep in the buff kind of guy? Or sleep in the outfit he’s gonna wear tomorrow?
@naudebynature @AstickofGum you can try the handle in person
@JessSchillinger the tape head bounced
@JoannaBrenner what does that even mean?
@s_plum “Siri, why do you exist?”
@daljo628 that blue looks nice
This is satire but feels spot on for many projects I’ve worked on……
@Charlotteis I read this as satire. Exaggerated and hyperbolic but it rings true with many projects I’ve been brought in on.
@beepybop @DanielleAlberti @JoannaBrenner No we all do…
@phillydesign yes, this would be the right thing to do with a tweet storm.
@redcrew Super helpful. They’re trying to kill .@ replies by saying to just retweet yourself. I wonder how much that will happen.
@nacin May you have a joyous and relaxing birthday today. Maybe try and write a blog post.
@mixolydian yeaaaaaa
@AstickofGum whoa you can get fined? I throw all kinds of random crap in our recycling bin