@bbaiIey the other day I saw a light switch panel thing that was nothing but colored squares like a futuristic space ship console.
@kelleytheeditor yay congrats!
@zgordon @joe_hoyle you mean semi-colons?
@daggerhart @Jtsternberg Don’t copy that Apple, copy the good Apple.
@daggerhart you mean they died!?!?
New Archiver WordPress Plugin Auto-Generates Wayback Machine Snapshots wptavern.com/new-archiver-wordpr… via @wptavern
I prefer the term “perverted Islam” over “radical Islam”
Hey designers, Apple doesn’t make their header stick to the top of the viewport when you scroll. Let’s copy that. apple.com/iphone/
HTTP2 vs HTTP 1.1 load time performance in the real world
I wish Forbes.com would work half as hard as Beyonce. Went to read an article and I’m left staring at..
@danielbachhuber see “pushed to” github.com/search/advanced
@johnpbloch dont mansplain me about manspalaining.
@ammy914 you mean his parents taught him to do his business in the yard and clean up after himself? Bravo!
@gamehawk ah yes, that is something my daughter would do
@AstickofGum rabbit butler
@davidj you could buy one for $39 and try it out
@davidj it might be OK if you put Plex on it and downloaded movies you want to watch
@davidj I get Prime through my parents so I don’t get the video stuff I think.
@davidj maybe on the adult profile? I need an app to lock the screen because my daughter keeps poking it.