@zeldman 18 years if you include playing around with Angelfire and GeoCities
@mr_suh ummmmm… No. Kristina made it art some girls night out thing. Now it lives on my desk.
@brownpau we have one of those. It cane in handy.
Netflix and S1E1 of Fuller House and OMG STEPHANIE’S BOOBS!
@trepmal me 2. Here’s a terrible pic of MBA vs MBPr
Take a drink every time you read the word “brand”…
@dimensionmedia need a onsesie for my kid!
Ooooo I guess I should start writing my talk twitter.com/WPLanc/status/701929…
WTF were the 4 dissenting votes thinking? twitter.com/BreakingNews/status/…
@s_plum my timeline disagrees
@MattWilcox 9% more babies, eh?
@stephaniesalmon ooooo derp. I thought it was from Saturday morning because of Facebook and I happened to catch the sunrise on that day.
@ammy914 maybe he’s trying to say “mud butt”?
This game be like… #SB50
Replace “drive drunk” with “drink Budweiser” #SB50
Have noticed the guy wooing during every play tonight. #SB50
@bpeebles Monsanto doesn’t have a Super Bowl.
Is that the first super bowl commercial that has the announcer of the game in it?