@elgreg Home owbership
@the_Northway “banana jam”
@crutchcorn Oo well then you get bumped up to a 5.95
@crutchcorn I’ve seen you in person you’re like a 5.75 in height
@fugularity Clearly we’re on the verge of inventing time travel because if abortions remain legal they could just travel back in time and abort us
@fugularity Does OF mean old funky? Old Funky Mickey Moniak has a nice ring to it
@neojp @MikeNGarrett Congrats! You just reinvented the Hindenburg
@mr_suh Lying gets you nowhere but elected
In other words 1/2 of a JavaScript-heavy single page app twitter.com/screamingfrog/status…
@mattcampux Or one of those tablets you put in your dishwasher
@round Why even use quotes at all
This was the first thought that popped in my head after waking up this morning
@yongfook “How else can we say this?”
“I dunno. Just use the same words in the next sentence”
Our colors are dynamic, shifting composition and balance in a 3D space. It brings our colors to life, allowing them to shift in composition and balance through the use of light.
@yongfook “Our gradient is reimagined. The blending and balance of projected colored light illuminates the way forward to a new dimension.”
Someone made good use of their creative writing class in college
“The bandwidth and content delivery network alone make it worth the investment” of several hundreds of thousands of dollars for proprietary Arc XP CMS.
Bandwidth isn’t that hard twitter.com/monthly/status/15394…
@brianboyer Ask them how old their kid is.
@neojp It’s going to be a famous Dutch painter!