@chipcullen yes using comments to walk through the steps.
@rossk the first @barcampdc was so eye opening to me. I miss those days.
Got the updated Google Calendar app that is all flat and material designy. Someone thought this was a good idea…
@AstickofGum how am I supposed to provide witty commentary to your every action if you only tweet in bursts instead of a constant stream?
@AstickofGum are you sure you weren’t mixing up bedtime and project runway?
@design_tlc ditto.
“From URL to query” slides eth.pw/wpdc14
@ethitter #wpdc
In WordPress, don’t try to do anything with the authenticated user until the init action is fired. #wpdc
@kurtroberts @taupecat @dakhran @nacin There’s still some. Otherwise we’ll get more.
@anthonydpaul Aw Drats.
@anthonydpaul Nice! Did you see my horse?
@AstickofGum @SmellyICE want an invite
@AstickofGum @SmellyICE maybe.
I’ve got a Google Inbox Invite. But if you call now WE’LL DOUBLE YOUR ORDER! (Just pay additional processing and handling)
@KyleCotter Nope. Conkers Bad Fur Day.
Girls slumber party and baby and lots of awwwing and “OMG” and I’m going to bed.
@svandragt Ive used this before wordpress.org/plugins/active-dir… u can network activate it and then write something to copy the options to all sites
@svandragt what did you do for this?
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner they would match your tights.