@JessSchillinger keep it for the commercials!
@Synology @jasemccarty so that DS1814+ is coming any day now? I need to buy a NAS by year’s end
@taupecat I won’t be there. The next time I see you will be @WordPressDC
@taupecat Ah gotcha. Thanks for picking your brain.
@taupecat Are you using inline SVG or as an <IMG>
@taupecat Like what?
@taupecat have you don’t an svg logo for a site yet? How did you handle fall back? Other SVG advice?
@pauljadam finally someone else who shares my opinion and not a knee jerk reaction of fear.
@nacin sounds like you need to get a new apartment ?
@cdharrison Thank Engadget who tagged this post from January 2012. engadget.com/2012/01/09/atandt-g…
@cdharrison Not even close digitaltrends.com/mobile/7-inch-…
@danielbachhuber You’re reusing a case? Ew. I can’t even.
@danielbachhuber 4.7 is too big?
@helenhousandi Name things.
@Smashley017 Anticipation. I hope he feels better.
@Smashley017 For what?
Whoa there new, flatter, material design Chrome for Android update.
Good mornang.
@KyleCotter lol