@karlgroves I also am left handed and an only child.
@jgarber “bus” is not something you want to see.
@jinaldo Some good index fund reading getrichslowly.org/blog/2010/11/3…
@MikeNGarrett kind of like you and the hours tonight?
@TravInSF I hope Mr. Potato head is there too.
@getcashinaflash what if no one needed cash in a jiffy?
@cohenspire Good luck with your knee surgery and becoming one step closer to being a Cyborg.
@cohenspire meet @shaziasami of @couturemafia. She’s looking for design help
Had a dream that @chriscoyier pierced my ear while we were walking to the super bowl.
“…180mil page views on the day of the royal wedding—most open-source publishing systems couldn’t handle that” B.S. adweek.com/print/133917
@theandystratton In regard to client education, buy or lend new clients this book amazon.com/gp/product/1933988452… #wpdc
@cmcnally it makes no sense with a mouse, perfect sense with a track pad.
@cmcnally Up is down, left is right, and your hand gestures will require you to contort like you never thought possible.
@charliepark Using a wiki and comments in code. Curious what others are doing.
@snowpunk installing Lion on my iMac at work now.
@snowpunk when its done downloading the installer is in your app folder. After installation it is deleted.
@jasongraphix without mail chimp I would be naked.
@snowpunk when its done downloading the installer is in your app folder. After installation it is deleted.
@cohenspire add insurance salesman to that list.
@cohenspire I’m getting out of the way when @jfc3 decides to crowd surf.