@stratechery @benthompson Wouldn’t it be weird and confusing to say “did you see that tweet?” and the person didn’t due to moderation from TwitterAppCo? Wouldn’t that dilute the appeal of a centralized information network?
Middle school in the late 90’s. I remember my Dad brought home a copy of Dreamweaver from work but I also made sites on Geocities and Angelfire. I still have a copy of my oldest site mdskate.russellheimlich.com/ twitter.com/brandymedia/status/1…
@magicroundabout Yes. Look on the east coast and you’ll get all kinds of crazy temps.
@magicroundabout I lost for the first time
@mattcampux R2D2 and C3PO?
@QuinnyPig @awscloud | | —
@jfc3 You should donate them to the internet archive somehow
@brianboyer Is it food related?
@mattcampux We still use it at work
@mattcampux heroku?
@chuckborowicz I got one of these and it’s great
@fugularity Super following is an amusing option. You should super follow me!
@fugularity Why do you want to be autoblocked?
@fugularity And I quote “IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH TO GET ME AUTOBLOCKED??!?!!?!??”
@fugularity You asked to be auto blocked?
@shortxstack In the thumbnail I thought you were holding a gun
@MikeNGarrett This morning he was awake at 5am trotting around his room so make sure you kid proof it
@freshyill When you’re at the lowest level of the crib and need to take drastic measures
I have discovered a perpetual motion machine. It’s called a toddler.
I’ve been watching videos of people playing Warcraft and Warcraft 2 and it’s been great