@anthonydpaul By HSA do you mean FSA (flexible spending account)? Also CVS does this on their receipts on each purchase.
@mattcampux Same with YouTube videos. It looks like everyone’s wildly successful but you don’t see all the people that get ignored.
@MikeNGarrett Sitting alone in the car in parking lots is like a vacation
I’m pro programmer pros
@shortxstack @eric_capuano These were the comfort at grandmas after you come upon butter cookies they happen to be a sewing kit
@neojp What if you just want a boba but don’t want the added responsibility of another living thing
@mattcampux France has one. You open the app, it shows a QR code, someone has a reader app, scans it, and it dings if you’re good.
#10 “Everybody has small screens, and they all know how to scroll: only make UI widgets ‘sticky’ or ‘fixed’ if you have to. They know where your navigation bar is. You don’t have to push it in their face the whole time.”
“Don’t blog for the glory, blog for the cemented brain nuggets.”
Quick! Ask it to center a div using CSS. twitter.com/verge/status/1488905…
@epatryk @kovshenin Yes it’s quite a simple little site.
Here’s what he said about selling to the New York times
When I die I want coding stickers on my urn
@mike_julian You covered President and Vice President roles but who does the asshole report to?
The website operator could have embedded the fonts on their own domain and not made a request out to a third party.
The website visitor could have concealed their IP address by using a VPN.
@Rmmmsy What sort of living and dieing are we sorting through here?
@fugularity The backstabbers fanbase
@lokesh Did you ever play Wormhole? wormholeredux.com/
To replace programmers with Robots, clients will have to accurately describe what they want.
We’re safe.
@chriscoyier It’s true. To get so much harder after you’ve used the s.
@chriscoyier BUTTS