@jcarbaugh I use ABUSE because that’s what Wordle is
(Also good number vowels)
@jcarbaugh I use ABUSE because that’s what Wordle is
(Also good number vowels)
@Zachreeves20 @bpeebles Clearly his daughter’s won the staring contest…
@davidj Cheers!
@richard_tabor @wordcampatl These are awesome!
@freshyill Pizza the Hut assassin?
Let’s normalize not creating more marketing acronyms in 2022
@JoAnnStilley Happy birthday!
How to Become a Full Stack Developer (2022 Edition) twitter.com/_uid0/status/1479505…
@fugularity Are you having a stroke?
@mattcampux Just one?
@mattbangophoto Dang that is quite the trophy bird shot
@neojp Well that’s better then all <div role=”button”>
* Toddler climbs into cozy coupe car and crashes into a wall *
Me: See? What did I tell you?
* Me as a bartender *
Me: Sorry buddy. I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut you off right there. You’ve had too much to drink.
Me: Here’s a binky for your troubles…
@mjacksonw You’ll be cranking them out in no time
@enqueue_russ @williamsba @turntablefm is back from the dead again
@gijovarghese141 I rather like Gutenberg but this is through custom blocks I write myself. I don’t need a cockpit of controls when building out a site.
@gijovarghese141 Elementor. Feels like the Dreamweaver era of building websites again.
@babysoftluke Because after you buy them that’s all you have left in your wallet… Spaaaaacccceeeeeee!!!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.