@Stammy If only there was some sort of open id you could use…
@mistersql So one might say breaking an arm will cost you and arm and a leg
Current status twitter.com/80snewsscreens/statu…
@babysoftluke My pleasure
Me: It’s pitch black out. I’m dragging. I can barely keep my eyes open. When is it bed time?
** Glances at clock **
6:38 pm
@metafizzyco Thanks for the socks
@freshyill Please send Zoods
@AlexStandiford Helped someone build a plug-in to take CSV data and use Google’s data visualization library to visualize it + a shortcode.
CoderPad offers take-home projects to make this super easy coderpad.io/features/take-home-p… twitter.com/MoisheLettvin/status…
For real. Using an overlay plugin to “fix” your accessibility issues instead of actually fixing the issues is just lazy.
@Mom_Overboard @mommajessiec Extreme Dad voice sounds like the Slow-Mo sound on the talk boy youtu.be/YF9_SD8941o
@dbanksDesign I get this reference
@QuinnyPig @Quinnypiglet You’re a spot on Mayor Humdinger. Was anyone Chickaletta?
@JoAnnStilley He usually doesn’t. But this time he did.
@scottysyntax Budgets are hard. I just make sure my monthly inflows are greater than my monthly outflows.
@Rmmmsy How long does it take you to nail down the perfect loop?
The best part of 4 year olds.
Me: Want to help me with the laundry?
4 year old: No that’s boring
Me: I’ll race you…
4 year old rushes off to unload the laundry
Say you have a 4 year old without saying you a 4 year old:
Emptied the lint trap from the dryer, glitter everywhere.
The best part of Halloween parties is you don’t need to dust or remove cobwebs. Free decor!