@rossk Have you tried growing a mustache?
@desandro Mr Ed would be a show about a neighing human…
@brianboyer Eventually kiddos just need better structure and people focused on kiddo things. At about age 2 we enroll them in day care and gladly pay the arm and leg that it costs.
@brianboyer Get a job as a nanny
HTML is a database
@neojp I too tend to match the carpet whenever I go out …
5 minutes after entering a giant corn maze:
6 year old: I know where to go. Follow me! **Runs off**
4 year old: I need to go potty.
Mom: FML
Dad: Isn’t this a-maize-ing!
@enqueue_russ Good job Russ
9:11am 2021-09-11
@caseydriscoll The actual wording was “not detected”
@caseydriscoll Positively negative.
@AlexStandiford I’ve been using @USAA my whole life. No local branches so everything is online.
@round If I don’t get my invite do I need to check my SPAN folder…
@mattcampux That sir is an awesome thing
It came back negative. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/14…
Startup idea: Covid testing/speed dating.
“Test negative for covid, positive for love”
@neojp The rapid test at school came back negative. Now waiting in line at one of the covid test sites or she’ll get another rapid test and then a fuller PCR test. She can’t go back to school until she has a negative PCR test in hand. Could take a day or two.
@sethgoldstein Kiddo is just fine. A little bored out of her mind but otherwise fine.
Second week of school and here we are standing in line to get a covid test
We’re supposed to get strong thunderstorms tonight. Right now directly overhead it is clear and I can see the stars. But on the horizon there are clouds and they’re just shooting off lightning every couple of seconds. No thunder. Just a light show in the sky.