@elyktrix Pong
@housecor @chuckborowicz That’s what staging is for
@WPMainline When some local news sites launched they would be completely open and public for the first couple of months to generate buzz and get people in the habit of checking the site often. Then they charge for access after that.
@MattWilcox I use boxy-svg.com/ and editor.method.ac/ for basic SVG cleanup and optimization.
10 person tent? That sounds like absolute hell.
@incluzion Sure go for it!
@komiska It was their inaugural meeting
@dabit3 We’ve got a bunch of fully 100% remote roles for @CoderPad
@rossk But are you more productive?
My client just referenced headless WordPress like “tell me about decapitated WordPress…”
@fugularity Dungeons and Dragons is the ultimate fantasy sport. It takes a lifetime to prepare.
@babysoftluke We’ll go old skool and use Prototype and Script.acul.us
@babysoftluke Let’s write a WordPress plugin
@JacksonBates @elyktrix Jackpot! discoverdev.io/ this guy curates them
@DrewAPicture @JJJ Appending the time a CSS or JS file was last updated when enqueueing instead of a random version number. I now never have to tell clients to refresh their browser to see the latest changes.
Hi, my name is Robb.
I’m an independent creative developer and I have a brand new website 🚀🎉
No not that @plex… twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1408…
@bpeebles 5G certainly makes it easier to track them
Looks like my 7 year old desktop PC won’t be able to run Windows 11 when it comes out. And I don’t really care.