@chipcullen Only if it’s disorganized
@chipcullen Only if it’s disorganized
Disorganized Sports Only!
@JoAnnStilley Yup, Luray Caverns. The parking lot looked busy but walking through caverns was fine.
@JoAnnStilley A crisp 65°F. Walking around with Caden on my back really built up a sweat.
Do these chips have wheat or not? 🌾
Update: She ended up picking out the perfect shirt herself!
Me: Can you just pick out a shirt for me?
Wife: No you can wear whatever you want
* I pick a shirt *
Wife: No, not that one. Too formal.
* I pick a shirt *
Wife: oof! That one doesn’t go well…
* I pick a shirt *
Wife: Are you sure you’re going to be warm enough in that?
@davatron5000 @github Name branch 123-issue-title. Saves me some time when writing pull requests so I can remember to add “Fixes #123”
@jgarber I’m guessing it wasn’t “YOU DID A DUCKING GREAT JOB JASON! DUCK YEAH!”
@mattcampux Positive or negative return?
@mattcampux Definitely car repairs. Or anything where the existing solution is janky. Just do it the right way? Need a specific shelf? Get the right shelf. Bad wifi? Go prosumer. Phone too slow? Get a new phone. Pillow hurting your neck? Get a new pillow.
@mattcampux I’m in the phase of my life where if it’s easier to just throw money at the problem then just do it.
For anyone else who had the same panic attack I did, don’t worry it’s still there. spacejam.com/1996/
Kids breakfast: Sliced apples, pancakes, glass of milk, bowl of cereal
My breakfast: Scarfing down the cereal dust from the bag as we run out the door
@elyktrix Or use the content property and make them emoji lists
@courtneydawn dang you’re still looking for a job? You should start an Only Fans for museum stuff..
@skeevis My favorite part is the random chairs and TV in the basement
@kkuchta That’s a neat PaaS there (PHPscript as a Service)
They say money can’t buy happiness but they also say don’t knock it until you try it
@mvs202 @SunTrust I think there’s one on route 40 up here in Ellicott City
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.