@NishaChittal I tend to recommend a good 5 pound Sweedish variety…
@NishaChittal I tend to recommend a good 5 pound Sweedish variety…
@renan 4/24 = no fish!
@miked1ck @gather_money I prefer the left.
“I think of progressive enhancement and accessibility as the same process, but with different foci. A11y aims to optimize an experience across a spectrum of user capabilities. Progressive enhancement aims to optimize an experience across a spectrum of user _agent_ capabilities.” twitter.com/ppk/status/136890980…
@krbenedict @anthonydpaul Or you could just scribble a note on the object theregister.com/2021/03/05/opena…
@elyktrix I agree with you there.
@miked1ck I almost always changed the kiddos because the guys line is so much shorter. Changing your kid on the sink counter is no fun.
4 year old: Look there’s Slimer!
We were watching a Mucinex commercial…
@elyktrix Judging by the name I feel like it should just be a full screen play button to play the one song that day
@SaraSoueidan @fontspeed That’s awesome there is a command line tool for it and you documented how to get it working. I always use google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp… to self host Google fonts.
@mylifeasalllly @jgarber Wow you have 2 days a week to do hobbies?
@MikeNGarrett We’re at 9 months and he’s an awesome sleeper now.
but we’ve also entered the wrestling phase of diaper changes.
@MikeNGarrett Hey buddy how was your sleep last night?
Meanwhile my wife is like…
“O my phone is at 2%. I’ve got plenty of time.”
The kids look forward to the weekend because we let them watch their iPads then.
Us: Why aren’t you using your iPad?
6 year old: It’s charging. I want to wait until it’s 100%.
The battery was at 96% when she put it back on the charger.
@luke__duncan Are you trying to decide a picture of a tweet or a picture of a car on the blockchain?
@m_uysl And fax machines
@KLobstar @MaraWilson Why not both?
@fugularity YOU MARRIED A 5 YEAR OLD!?!
@freshyill Today I needed parents(), traverse up the DOM until you match a selector. Ended up using summer pollyfilled NPM package.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.