Holy moly my son is 6 months old today. And we also just received a hospital bill from his delivery.
Holy moly my son is 6 months old today. And we also just received a hospital bill from his delivery.
@thomasfuchs Does Docker work on it?
@MikeNGarrett Baby Rocking is my favorite VR game!
People who bought a new gaming console recently..
How on earth do you have time for that? The last gaming system I was into was the PS2.
@teddyrised And it’s not like you’re traveling much these days.
I’ve had both sizes and in the past the 16 inch had better gpus for better performance.
@MKBHD Behold the rare MKBHD video with no views
Lol registering an XSS attrack vector as a company name 😂
@mr_suh “Photography is a passion of mine”
@enqueue_russ @LasVegasLocally Dear Russell,
Stay safe in the windy rain.
Truly yours,
What do you think @FLOTUS will do for Christmas decorations at the White House this year?
@caseydriscoll This was the best part
@enqueue_russ I dunno Russell. Things like map_meta_cap() are quite abstract.
@JessSchillinger True dat. Plugins do make it much easier to digest.
@fugularity URL never has and never will be pronounced like EARL
What if former vice presidents who run for president are just cursed to always have a nerve-wracking close race?
@hankchizljaw All presidents elected since George H. W. Bush (1989-1993) have been two term presidents. Just doesn’t seem like Americans are into mixing things up anymore.
No sleep ’till… (🎸) ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!;
@aaronjorbin We had tacos
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.