Someone in my family tree came up with a maneuver twitter.com/MrsSteveMOBrien/stat…
Someone in my family tree came up with a maneuver twitter.com/MrsSteveMOBrien/stat…
Sometimes I wonder what people without kids do with all that free time. I bet they sit and stuff.
🌟 Front-End Dev for Hire 🌟
Hi, everyone! 👋
I’m still looking for a #FrontEnd #webdev position, ideally #remote.
My skills include:
Portfolio: makpoling.github.io
RTs are so appreciated! 💜🙏
@anthonydpaul @chipcullen Alas! Did you miss the moose?
@shortxstack “engine-10” y’know like the iPhone X 🤣🤣🤣
November 1st, 7:59am
Wife: “OK Google play Christmas music”
Me: “OK Google play the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack”
Me at 1:00 a.m. on the last day of daylight saving time: I’ll see you again in an hour
@chipcullen Why were we removing the width and height attributes to begin with?
@chipcullen In the future, browsers will use this information to further optimize layouts.
@chipcullen I agree with Greg Buckler. HTML is all about describing the content so I would prefer the actual image dimensions so the browser could set out the appropriate space for the image to fill in.
@JoAnnStilley We carved pumpkin this year but then the deer probably ate them
We put our pumpkin out early this year so the squirrels could carve it for us.
@elyktrix The best is when they have the final call and you can feel they’re ready to make you an offer and then they ask you your salary requirements. “Ok let me talk to management and we’ll get back to you.”
They never got back to me.
@elyktrix The best part of WordPress is you could do whatever you want.
The worst part about WordPress is other people could do whatever they want.
@elgreg I look forward to the weekends
@travelmiguel @rashiq With the proper expertise one could build a site on such low end hardware to withstand a large amount of traffic. Others prefer overcomplicating things early on in anticipation they will experience a large surge in traffic that never comes.
@travelmiguel @rashiq Kubectl is a tool for managing a kubernetes cluster which is a setup intended for very large, complicated sites. Digital Ocean is a service you can rent servers from for as little as $5 per month.
@JessSchillinger You should have time once kid #2 gets here…
@courtneyengle Oh yes that was a thing with us too after each birth. Try not to make Mommy laugh.
@chriscoyier “Sadly, BendTel fiber isn’t in the new building. I’m getting 800 Gbps down and up here, and I think the best we’ll do is 200 / 50 at the new office. But hey it’ll be cheaper.”
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.