@kingkool68 – Viewing your quantification of Trick or Treaters is the highlight of my Halloween every year now 🙂
Good point via @mcunningham8: “Not all content is sociable or actionable.” #ona13 #analytics4news
Do what you do best and link to the rest -@jeffjarvis in the @pewresearch house.
“We don’t have an us vs them dichotomy” one of my fav parts of the wordpress community #wcbalt
Now it’s time for the @aaronjorbin keynote…let the heckling begin! #wcbalt @wordcampbalt
The @wordcampbalt volunteers have been amazing. THANK YOU ALL!!! #wcbalt
is it just me or are there any other anagrams of em
Friends, please help with a little television social science and retweet this tweet and picture. Thanks!
Why can’t Jupiter and Uranus just join forces and call themselves Poopiter?
Okay people. That is quite enough with the retweets. Half my timeline is full of retweets. We need to start having some original thoughts.
Smart thinking: after yesterday’s outage, someone printed out the ENTIRE nytimes.com site. Just in case.
English major nerd alert: MLA has officially devised a standard way to cite a tweet in an academic paper.
hack me like one of your french urls
Evolution of the Batman logo 1940—2015 stocklogos.com/topic/evolution-b…
Bill Cosby, Private Investigator: “The Proof Is In The Puddin'”
pew pew @pewresearch RT @Gizmodo: Google was going to make you say pew pew pew to control Google Glass: gizmo.do/oSEYkoE
my wrist hurts. guess i was too gay today.
Google said to have video service that takes on Twitter’s 6-second videos and Facebook’s 15 second videos by allowing unlimited length
It’s not the tools, it’s the problem and what you’re trying to get out of it. Learn the tools to solve the problem. @derekwillis #onadc