@johnpbloch Have you seen wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cfm/ ?

@johnpbloch It’s a JSON file so it can be committed with code and shared among others in a project.

@johnpbloch … overriding values that come fro the database. Ya?

@johnpbloch So let me see if I get this… You define options in a JSON file, and your plugin hooks in to WordPress and uses those values…

@johnpbloch It’s one of the most succinct plugin descriptions on the plugin repo.

@ammy914 YESSSssss!

@daljo628 “JavaScript – where library maturity is considered a failure.” – news.ycombinator.com/item?id=112…

@johnpbloch Nice description. I’m still not sure what it does.

@redcrew I might have played with NVDA with Firefox a long time ago. I remember it being hard to get it working right.

@redcrew I have it installed. And check in on it once in a blue moon.

Will it help my SEO? No. I can’t imagine a worse possible type of domain. twitter.com/lelandf/status/70697…

“MSSQL on Linux and Donald Trump possibly becoming the next President are 2 of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” news.ycombinator.com/item?id=112…

@davidwalshblog Background info wptavern.com/ship-a-new-app-for-…

@davidwalshblog Ship helps ship.getherbert.com/

It’s not belly fat it’s technical debt.

Just fixed a unicode bug and thought of @caseydriscoll’s WordCamp Lancaster talk from this past weekend caseydris.co/talks/wordcamp-lanc…

1997-2000: dot-com bubble
2013-2016: Unicorn bubble

@hairbrainiac Twitter commentary at it’s finest!