@mattwilcox Time is a man-made concept like the alphabet and numbers. It works because we, as a species, have agreed to how it works.
@mattwilcox Time is a man-made concept like the alphabet and numbers. It works because we, as a species, have agreed to how it works.
@mattwilcox The past cannot be changed. The future contains events that can be altered. Also the present is pretty fluid depending on scale
@mattwilcox “Now” is a point in time when the potential for modifying points in the future reaches 0.
@design_tlc @real_css_tricks @anthonydpaul I always dug this quote from @markboulton: russellheimlich.com/frontend-tip…
Me vs. Deadlines
@jgarber Something about wireframes because that is what those papers clearly are.
@aaronjorbin But I don’t wear diapers…
@duqe man bump
@aaronjorbin What if you live tweeted your dot files… that might work.
@aaronjorbin No, that’s not tweeting.
@aaronjorbin I think the only way to lose followers is to live tweet some esoteric event.
@aaronjorbin How do you know who unfollows you?
Startup Idea: Amazon Prime but for thrift stores.
@astickofgum Check the thrift store.
@aaronjorbin ??? “…with several large projects here at Google including AdWords…” angularjs.blogspot.com/2015/12/a…
@aaronjorbin Does Google AdWords count? That’s kind of the thing that makes them all the monies.
@aaronjorbin Those who use spaces to indent code should have their fingers cut off.
@aaronjorbin Angular 2 will be the new cool JavaScript framework in 2016 and no one will care about React anymore.
Pro tip: Just because a site made a list of the best SEO plugins doesn’t mean you should install and use them all at the same time.
@elgreg I dig the minimalist redesign.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.