@e_wils I set that up as a Slackbot response in Slack. SOOOO GOOD!
@e_wils I set that up as a Slackbot response in Slack. SOOOO GOOD!
@daljo628 :star:
@chipcullen Looking good.
@mattwilcox I use AMPPS.
@duqe Nyce!
@duqe Are you moving there like everyone else?
@anthonydpaul RIP all those kids stuck in wells. You were there only hope!
@mr_suh Relevant to your interests nbcnews.com/business/business-ne…
@trepmal There comes a point where you have to worry about whiplash if you’re sitting too close though.
@trepmal Nice! that sounds like a good deal. I think I would prefer an ultra wide over two or more screens.
@trepmal I got a Samsung 28″ 4K monitor to hook up my Retina MacBook Pro up to and it looks sharp.
@trepmal Woot has some Samsung ultra wide monitors on sale today sellout.woot.com/plus/samsung-cu…
Current list of MTV VJs… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MT….
@davatron5000 You can enable OS X to always show scrollbars, which every developer should do to detect overflow bugs iclarified.com/16464/how-to-alwa…
@brownpau This is where I actually bought it… last July. shinesty.com/collections/suits/p…
@danielbachhuber Yea doesn’t look like there’s much chance of baby over here on the east coast either. I’ll keep looking out.
@danphilibin Watch you just get the 23″ Red Car Bow…
@daljo628 I think Chromebooks are great computers for most everyone that only needs a web browser.
@daljo628 But then you’ll be like all of those monoculture sheep walking around with laptops. Go with an abacus.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.