@zeldman I discovered so much music that I’m still listening to today thanks to @emusic
@zeldman I discovered so much music that I’m still listening to today thanks to @emusic
@zeldman But the best part was they let you download non-DRM’d MP3s so you could do whatever you wanted with them.
@zeldman Then once they realized how unattainable that was they capped it at a certain number of songs per month.
@zeldman I remember how insanely awesome eMusic was in the early 00’s. One monthly price for unlimited downloads.
@jensimmons Apple watch faces.
@chrisvanpatten Why don’t you ask Messenger how to do that…
@mattwilcox What if Google made a way to package websites as apps a la Fluid or single-site browsers. Then this would be moot.
@mattwilcox Yea it does seem kind of strange.
@mattwilcox It’s a different front-end that talks to the backend (PHP) via an API allowing it to be disconnected from the website itself.
@randallb How’s the old noggin?
@ammy914 Zadie shoves her bath toys into my mouth as well so she can pull it out again.
@duqe The mason-dixon line is between MD and PA.
@danielbachhuber Pagination is fun.
@s_plum Keep up the good fight.
@johnpbloch What were the stats like when WordPress dropped PHP 4 support?
@jemeeroy Formatting shortcuts in the WYSIWYG is probably my favorite. But i really like how site icons are built in to core now. Both 4.3+
Flat design wjordpress.herokuapp.com/
@chipcullen And adding zoom:1 to everything because no one knows what it does.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.