@siobhanpmckeown @getsource @helenhousandi @aaronjorbin @yurivictor @rmccue @ericandrewlewis @nacin @kev097 @wonderboymusic hey
@siobhanpmckeown @getsource @helenhousandi @aaronjorbin @yurivictor @rmccue @ericandrewlewis @nacin @kev097 @wonderboymusic hey
@s_plum Bad analogy since Flash doesn’t work on mobile.
@iwilsonjr Thanks!
Senior dev have lighter hair #FEDtalk
You can never have too many monitors #FEDtalk
@anastasialanz You can call yourself whatever you want…
tl;dr Front-end developers have a lot to think/worry about and it’s not clear what is considered a front-end dev’s responsibility. #FEDtalk
Watching @alistapart’s The State of Front-End Dev talk for some lunch time entertainment youtube.com/watch?v=hQWUKcLmf8Q #FEDtalk
str_replace( ‘⭐️’, ‘❤️’, $the_content );
Lifehack: Use the native Mac Twitter client (which hasn’t been updated in ages) which has ⭐️ instead of ❤️
@davidakennedy Thanks!
@DUQE You should buy this flippa.com/5683705-single-charac…
@anthonydpaul uh….
“waxed shellac and dewaxed shellac”
navnav.co – 80+ Responsive Navigation Bar Menu Tutorials, Examples and Demos
@woot You sound like you’re FULL of money… because you’re CRAP is sold out.
@woot Me! I’m crapless.
@elgreg Switzerland’s main stream media.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.