@caseydriscoll Now you see why I use another account for live tweeting.
@caseydriscoll Now you see why I use another account for live tweeting.
@brownpau Data smothering.
@mikengarrett @lindsaybgarrett
Techcrunch open sourced their WordPress Asynchronous Tasks library on GitHub github.com/techcrunch/wp-async-t… #wcbalt
@courtneydawn ** blows out heavily to increase circulation **
I’ll be live tweeting from #wcbalt this morning over on my other account @RussellHeimlich
@trepmal You’re missing 2 pounds and 50 cents.
@greglinch Disappointed this was not announced as a data visualization but congrats nevertheless.
@daniellealberti @joannabrenner According to a non-descrip Internet page, Taco Bell’s slogan at one point was “Ding Dong! Tacos!”
@zgordon I’ll be there.
@jgarber …so something like logging in using Facebook and then disconnecting that identity can be ruled out…
@jgarber I guess instagram has their own user account…
@jgarber Yup! This is the API console for myself to /users/self/media/liked/ ..
@jgarber I get 20 by default. Almost see the pagination section to get the next URL to query to get the next set.
@duqe Mark Zuckerberg told me…
@DUQE I didn’t know you were Ukrainian? I thought you were just weird.
@saurvking What’s in it for me?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.