@freshyill It does make things more complicated but redundancy is nice…
@freshyill It does make things more complicated but redundancy is nice…
@freshyill If you need to go bigger, throw in a load balancer and another instance of WordPress
@freshyill If you’re just serving up articles I would run Varnish -> NGINX -> PHP 5.5+ w/ Op Cache -> Redis/Memcache -> Database
@freshyill Have used Varnish but what would you use W3TotalCache for? I guess for flushing the varnish servers?
@freshyill But I guess you could use Redis as a full page cache…
@freshyill Redis seems better suited to go between the database and WordPress as outlined here pantheon.io/docs/articles/sites/…
@freshyill For caching. Although Varnish seems like a better solution to go in front and do page caches.
“Every day is Arbor Day in Codeville.” – What is Code? bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-paul…
@mixolydian Pssshhh reel to reel tape for the ultimate acoustic reproduction.
STOP THE PRESSES! I just bought some digital music. Weird, right? “Futureshock” by Narc Twain narctwain.bandcamp.com/releases
@kingkool68 At least it looks good in the pristine kitchen you never use.
$1500 toaster oven that can do timelapse videos for sharing on Instagram juneoven.com/
Twitter’s CSS looks like a mess cssstats.com/stats?url=http%3A%2…
@anthonydpaul Home insurance is fun too
@mr_suh Someone’s gotta be a pioneer. Make it you.
@brownpau Remember that restaurant restroom with the cacodemon in it? That’s what Doom was like.
CSS-Only Raindrops on Window Effect blogs.adobe.com/dreamweaver/2015…
How Big Bird works via @mpiccorossi
@msinkiat That keyboard looks like typing on mud…
@duqe BRUTAL!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.