@taupecat what happens?
@taupecat what happens?
Once 3 people tweet the same thing, it’s pedestrian trash to me. Why must I be like this
@jgarber You would probably use reactive-bootstrap-angularmber.js with 3 way data binding and ES6 shims.
@danphilibin That’s neat.
@chriscoyier Shoot for the stars ?
@nekolaweb @pjdeckert Sorry. I don’t do sponge baths.
@nekolaweb @pjdeckert googled “Facebook follower purge”, copied the first link, tweeted. This is called journalism, right?
@smashley017 HAWTNESS
@smashley017 Kedz
I never want to hear the song “Been Caught Stealing” by Jane’s Addiction ever again as long as I live.
@chriswilsondc I’m a logo god!
@taupecat Programming logic in CSS. Have fun with that.
@duqe @eliotpayne Who is picking up the poop?
The hardest part of design isn’t design, and the hardest part of coding isn’t coding. The hardest part is influencing people.
@anthonydpaul @chipcullen @chuckborowicz github.com/bold/GifBot
@duqe Oh no! Oh wait… Designer News is still going to live on. Phew. Moving on.
@nathanacurtis @anthonydpaul Do you have a Gifbot?
@jtnt I don’t think this is right acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/R…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.