@add_action_dan Just read any WordPress related post on Hacker News.
@add_action_dan Just read any WordPress related post on Hacker News.
Wired.com rolled out a responsive redesign. Welcome to 2015, Wired. Responsive is the new normal. Who cares.
Parents, if you don’t talk to your kids about JavaScript, someone else will.
@bethsoderberg @taupecat squiricles.
“What makes for good docs?” from @desandro metafizzy.co/blog/what-makes-for… #wclanc
@kingkool68 We setup a coupon code for you fine folks. Use WORDCAMP at secure.macaw.co for $80 off! #wclanc @azraelgroup
@taupecat Git + PHP: easy git deploy github.com/markomarkovic/simple-…
@chipcullen @anthonydpaul You want a box of them?
@taupecat @bethsoderberg skew() should be renamed rhombus()
@taupecat @bethsoderberg Good example of a practical use of skew() ?
Can i use CSS3 Animations? caniuse.com/#search=css3%20anima… #wclanc
Can I use CSS Transitions? caniuse.com/#search=transitions #wclanc
@bethsoderberg hates bright blue and purple. FACT! #wclanc
How to deal with vendor prefixes css-tricks.com/how-to-deal-with-… #wclanc
Can I Use CSS Transforms? caniuse.com/#search=transform #wclanc
CSS Transforms from the MDN developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs… #wclanc
@toxicityj @jonathanober I’ll look for the guy wearing a storm trooper helmet with rainbows coming out of their head.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.